Welcome Steve, you have entered the queue
Position in queue: 1
You are being sent to the server!
[Proxy] Lost connection to server.
Welcome Steve, you have entered the queue
Position in queue: 1
Position in queue: 1
You are being sent to the server!
[Proxy] Lost connection to server.
Welcome Steve, you have entered the queue
Position in queue: 1
Position in queue: 1
You are being sent to the server!
[Proxy] Lost connection to server.
Welcome Steve, you have entered the queue
Position in queue: 1
You are being sent to the server!
[Proxy] Lost connection to server.
Welcome Steve, you have entered the queue
Position in queue: 1
Steve fell out of the world
Position in queue: 1
You are being sent to the server!
[Proxy] Lost connection to server.
Welcome Steve, you have entered the queue
Position in queue: 1
Position in queue: 1
You are being sent to the server!
[Proxy] Lost connection to server.
Welcome Steve, you have entered the queue
Position in queue: 1