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Server index.minewind.com

Tracking this server since Dec 31, 2018 1:07 AM, pinged this server 224 times.
a few seconds ago (Sep 8, 2024 2:46 AM)
Server favicon of index.minewind.com
  • Ping
  • Address: index.minewind.com
  • Version: Velocity 1.7.2-1.21 762
a day ago (Sep 6, 2024 3:33 PM)
Server favicon of index.minewind.com

Current spawn: MW City by Minewind Community
nuelios: i have power now
/vote -> Persephonexx617: Shulker of Crimson Stem
johnfkennedy7 has escaped the labyrinth!
  • Ping
  • Address: index.minewind.com
  • Version: Velocity 1.7.2-1.21 762 763
  • Login
  • Disconnect reason: None
  • Premium: true
  • Brand: Paper (Velocity)
  • BungeeCord: false
5 days ago (Sep 2, 2024 10:28 PM)
Server favicon of index.minewind.com
Current spawn: MW City by Minewind Community
Checking mail...
You have no mail.
ch.demonx: hi*
Udon.Alice_Gateau: mike u got any orange dye>?
zxny_jk withered away while fighting X6J3
H8.RMCMike: yes
Udon.Alice_Gateau: gime me 4 please
TheCMAc31 withered away while fighting X6J3
Udon.Alice_Gateau: pelase
Udon.Alice_Gateau: please
  • Ping
  • Address: index.minewind.com
  • Version: Velocity 1.7.2-1.21 762 763
  • Login
  • Disconnect reason: None
  • Premium: true
  • Brand: Paper (Velocity)
  • BungeeCord: false
9 days ago (Aug 30, 2024 4:42 AM)
Server favicon of index.minewind.com
Current spawn: MW City by Minewind Community
Checking mail...
You have no mail.
/vote -> luminarzen: Starlike
/vote -> Persephonexx617: Shulker of Andesite
  • Ping
  • Address: index.minewind.com
  • Version: Velocity 1.7.2-1.21 762 763
  • Login
  • Disconnect reason: None
  • Premium: true
  • Brand: Paper (Velocity)
  • BungeeCord: false
13 days ago (Aug 26, 2024 11:42 AM)
Server favicon of index.minewind.com
Current spawn: MW City by Minewind Community
Checking mail...
You have no mail.
NRVA.mute: hugh wtf
NRVA.mute: you were meant to stay afk
nxveaulos: wo bist du pekka
NRVA.hughcheese: i came back
NRVA.hughcheese: and saw
NRVA.hughcheese: mute rekt hughcheese and got an ultra kill
NRVA.mute: i literally debated killing you because of this
GHG.PekkaGHG: ka iwo in nem haus
  • Ping
  • Address: index.minewind.com
  • Version: Velocity 1.7.2-1.21 762 763
  • Login
  • Disconnect reason: None
  • Premium: true
  • Brand: Paper (Velocity)
  • BungeeCord: false
16 days ago (Aug 22, 2024 6:12 PM)
Server favicon of index.minewind.com
Current spawn: MW City by Minewind Community
Checking mail...
You have no mail.
CREW.X6J3: Selling haste 2 (6s), Inc Lightning dmg 3 (2s) sticky explosive (2s) Blood Ground siphon (32d)
ScezySigma was rekt by nxveaulos using Death Scythe
/vote -> X6J3: Shulker of Acacia Pressure Plate
  • Ping
  • Address: index.minewind.com
  • Version: Velocity 1.7.2-1.21 762 763
  • Login
  • Disconnect reason: None
  • Premium: true
  • Brand: Paper (Velocity)
  • BungeeCord: false